火曜日, 4月 26, 2005

what would judas do?

Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Im starting to feel the separation of me from the group now that Ive moved on up to an admin position. One teacher is playing games with simple requests. Im in charge of making sure report cards go into the "permanent folders" so I reminded everyone last week, then reminded her again, then offered to help her do it, then emailed her today... Friday Im going to tell her to do it. Its a ten minute job. Punch holes, put papers into 10 folders, done.
I know everyones plans and how long they are going to be working for the school. Their plans now affect my job and the curriculum that I am trying to implement. Im trying to keep true to the workers, but Im not sure their interests are the same as the schools. Its not like its F'in wallmart either. Fuck the man doesnt work at a school. Its a school and playing around messes up kids education. What about the children? What would Judas do?

big pudding

big pudding
Originally uploaded by freebeets.

The name of this porno mag is big pudding. Why? no idea.

Mr. Smith, whats a shit?

my babes
Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Ive been feeling a bit bad about keeping my old bike outside and giving so much attention to the new one so I let them meet tonight. 2 bikes in a 17 sq meter apt isnt workin out so great, but Ill give them tonight. When I was little I remember checking to see if all of my stuffed animals were face up in the bed so they could see and I made sure to say goodnight to each of them too. Old bike will get lots of attention next week too. we are going on a long trip somewhere.
One of my students heard me say "shoot" this morning, and said "don't you mean shit?" coming from a little angelic girl it caught me off guard. "shh, thats a bad word," I answered. "Whats a bad word?, whats a shit?" Then another kid heard the conversation and asked, "whats a shit Mr. Smith?"
they totally dont understand the concept of bad words as there are none in Japanese. How weird is that? No bad words.

日曜日, 4月 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by freebeets.

rode this babe home tonight. It is sooo fast! its so simple and clean and funky green. an amazing machine. now I have a reason to wake up at 530 am.

月曜日, 4月 18, 2005

shampoo mohawk

shower hair
Originally uploaded by freebeets.

me hair is finally long enough to rock a soapy punk doo.

木曜日, 4月 14, 2005

boss vibe

sleeping on the steps
Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Im gettin the first tastes of the dark side. There is a bit of resentment that Ive mooved on up by a couple people, and Ive had to start asking people to do things by certain times, so Im now, like a boss. Ive noticed a vibe a couple times too. I guess its something Im going to have to deal with.
I went out for sushi with the principal and marketing director this week. Im in the afterwork admin dinner club too I guess. It was definately the most adventurous sushi Ive done. lots of raw

月曜日, 4月 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by freebeets.


Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Ive been beyond busy. Ive moooved on up into an admin position at school, coordinating curriculum and stuff. Im reworking the language policy now. that and planning a bike tour with Hidemi to Aiichi has made free time tough to come by. Cant complain too much- the career is rockin.
To get my class pumped to enter this international design competition in Turkey the school gave me about 200 bucks to buy some books. I came back with all these awesome Tashen books. Hells yeah, fun stuff to look at. Kids are getting crazy ideas. If an idea gets selected, I get a plane ticket to turkey too. gobble gobble gobble
My friend Laura has been planning her wedding and thought how cool it would be to have the mountain goats play, so I was like hell yeah and emailed their manager. Were all trading emails to see it maybe happen. How punk rock is that? The new mountain goats album is g r e a t by the way.

日曜日, 4月 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Ive noticed that the Japanese stay for credits after movies. Not just some, but almost everyone. Hidemi says that she stays to see if anyone on the list has a Japanese name. I wonder why others do