火曜日, 4月 26, 2005

Mr. Smith, whats a shit?

my babes
Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Ive been feeling a bit bad about keeping my old bike outside and giving so much attention to the new one so I let them meet tonight. 2 bikes in a 17 sq meter apt isnt workin out so great, but Ill give them tonight. When I was little I remember checking to see if all of my stuffed animals were face up in the bed so they could see and I made sure to say goodnight to each of them too. Old bike will get lots of attention next week too. we are going on a long trip somewhere.
One of my students heard me say "shoot" this morning, and said "don't you mean shit?" coming from a little angelic girl it caught me off guard. "shh, thats a bad word," I answered. "Whats a bad word?, whats a shit?" Then another kid heard the conversation and asked, "whats a shit Mr. Smith?"
they totally dont understand the concept of bad words as there are none in Japanese. How weird is that? No bad words.


Anonymous 匿名 said...

Love this picture, so romantic! Just know that I enjoy reading about your new experiences. Great "do"! NEK

3:08 午後  


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