pretty woman
I had to go to immigration today to extend my visa. It only took 10 minutes so I had lots of time to waste while I waited to meet hidemi after work, so I bought a few books. I sat down outside Yokohama station with the bums a drinkin, teenage girls practicing choreography moves in the windows and pigeons pecking around for food. I noticed one of them had a bit of fishing line tied around one leg. Its toes were turning black and it was limping. I fed it chocolate (all I had) and tried to lure it onto my hand. I was going to try to catch it and clip the string. It didnt want anything to do with hoppin up on me hand. Shogunai neh...
I read a Noam Chomsky book about Iraq. Depressing. totally supported my feelings of never wanting to live in the United Hates of America again.
Also started reading Unweaving the rainbow by Richard Dawkins. Amazing. Its blowing me away. Absolutely fantabulous.