火曜日, 10月 31, 2006


Stickman in peril
Originally uploaded by Rachael&Andrew.
I was a coach of this childrens baseball team. We were practicing in a ravine in the Badlands. During our practice this group of people dressed in orange and black robes came down the trail in this big procession. They had a living stick figure on a pallinquin. I knew they were this cult so I was trying to protect my players. They challenged us to a game and I figured we didn't have a choice. They had a dugout in the side of a cliff that was enclosed with glass. The important ones and the stick figure watched from there. We played the game with this little flesh colored pellet for a ball, and everytime we lost a play, the ball was presented to the stick person. The little pellet became a part of its body, starting with weird fleshy hands and forearms. I had a feeling that this was a bad thing. It moved really strange and couldnt talk yet. My players kept bringing up the possibility of throwing the game because the other team was really good and the stick figure becoming complete seemed inevitable. Then my stupid alarm clock went off.

月曜日, 10月 30, 2006

MC hawking

Prof. Stephen W. Hawking
Originally uploaded by peterkelemen.
My commute is super shitty. Ive only gotten a seat one time on the way to work. Its crowdy and a total drag. Ive been doing some documentary watching on the ipod to pass the time. Im really digging this series about the universe by Stephen Hawking. The footage of him speaking is really interesting because he sits there and barely moves. Its like a static photograph in the middle of a movie, but its not. What an amazing mind. confined to a chair, but dude is light years beyond the rest of us.

木曜日, 10月 26, 2006

Condi shrine

Originally uploaded by LoftyDirigible.
I was reading the newspaper and there was a pic of condi on the front page, meeting with somebody and doing some blah blah blah. one of my coworkers joked the that he thought that she was kinda hot. I offered to cut the pic out for him to add to his shrine. He declined, but I gave it to him anyway. Every day since, I've cut out a picture of her and given it to him. One had two guys shaking hands with her in the background and was perfect for cutting into a heart with her right in the middle. Another had her holding up her hands in a "this big" way. Im hoping that by giving him so many pictures I will make it easier for him to actually start a condi shrine. Maybe he'll say "heck, I have so many pictures alread, I might as well make a collage." Adding candles is the next logical step.


Originally uploaded by Fant.
I totally, but accidentally stole something from the supermarket the other day. People bag their own groceries here and I was baggin mine when I noticed that somebody left a container of desert on the counter. I grabbed it and went after this lady who had just left. I asked her "This, your's is it" in my weak Japanese. She said no, and I was left there with something that I walked out of a store with, not knowing how the heck I would explain that whole scenario to the store. I stuffed it in my bag and shared it with coworkers. mmmmm rice cakes with sweet bean paste inside. Oh, theres some brown powder on the outside too.


Originally uploaded by Fant.
With the vote coming up theres lots of buzz among expats and matts. I found some interesting links that you can cut n paste if your not too apathetic ;)
This one is about having peeps video voting areas to monitor funky voter suppression. Put it up online so people can see an "open and free election"
Here is a link to legal advice for bloggers who dare mention voting in the "left wing bloggosphere"
boingboing.net also has a great post about voting with an absentee ballot-even if your present, just to avoid the e-vote machines, and to create a paper trail. Those machines have been proven to be totally hackable and are total crap.
I would love to see the dems take some spots and start the crimes against humanity trial for bushco. It totally sucks that we have to resort to all this f'in around to make sure that the vote isnt stolen again, but we are super lucky we have it.

日曜日, 10月 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by freebeets.
my buddies have made it big time. I was contacted this morning for permission to use this picture for a story on navel lint on wikipedia.
awww yeah!

土曜日, 10月 14, 2006


erie canal
Originally uploaded by kechambers.
I found this animation on boingboing today. Its ammmmazzzzing