火曜日, 2月 08, 2005


Originally uploaded by freebeets.

Ive been terrible at keeping up with this thing. Im getting zip for comments so it seems pretty much like a waste of time sometimes. I was walking home the other day, and I thought about how I should be updating the blog with the stuff that happens everyday. Ive been feeling like the lost feeling of being new has been fading. Ive found a routine, and Im starting to understand more so I don't feel so dizzy anymore. I kind of miss that.
One magic moment that I failed to throw on here happened last week. It was dusk, and I was headed to the store for some grub. The neighborhood was alive with cars going by, a cat ran across the street, just barely missed getting hit. I walked past the tofu makers store and he was closing shop. A super hoss old datsun was idling outside the 7-11. It was cherry red and I tried to guess the driver through the window.
Its the small things that Ive been slowly starting to miss.
My friend Mel and her pal Vanessa are visiting from the states. Its interesting to have a familiar face to hang out with. They came to school with me a couple times this week to visit and she told my students about being an art director/set director. They were pumped, and she fell in love with them too.
Ive been teaching a unit on disabilities, and today was “wheelchair day”. I told them that I’d bring in some wheelchairs for them to experience a week ago and it was building up since then. All they talked about is how they wished today would come, and what great fun it’ll be.
So today was “wheelchair day” (will be updated tonight)


Anonymous 匿名 said...

Don't stop. No comments don't mean it's not being read. I look forward to it.


1:11 午後  


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