水曜日, 5月 18, 2005


Originally uploaded by freebeets.
this is one of those pictures that you find in your camera and have no idea what it is. Ghost? fortunate mistake. Whatever.
We had our school track and field day/barbecue last weekend and they forgot to buy anything for vegetarians... People always say "well, you could eat salad", or "theres rolls" , or "fruit coctail?" like its some kind of f'in consolation. Vegetarians arent salad eaters- people obsessed with their weight who still want to eat at MacDonalds eat salad. Yes, I eat salad too, but not plain iceberg lettuce.
Then theres the whole communist hippy weirdo or something that comes with being a vegetarian. I guess its easier to point fingers and talk under ones breath than question ones own diet.
I was pissed and hungry after the barbie, and checked out a list of famous vegetarians. To name a few commie, hippy weirdo fools:
Leonardo DaVinci
Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla
Leo Tolstoy
Sir Issac Newton
Henry Ford
Brittany Spears

OK, end of rant