great taste biscuit frog
great taste biscuit frog
Originally uploaded by freebeets.
I get sucked into the candy aisle every time I go to the supermarket. Im a sucker for these boxes of candies and cookies because they have these weird little figurines in them. I got "black tights frog" in this one. YAY!
I started reading SHOGUN this week. I remember seeing it on my moms bookshelf when I was a wee lad and being so impressed. Its soooo thick-1152 pages and the words are so small. One of those things that make parents seem like superheros. I found the book in my school library. Its funny how books travel around and get passed on. I read on the road while bike touring and passed it on to somebody riding the other way when I was done.
I watched grave of the fireflies by Miazaki with roomie last night. Shes really into sad movies. Cries all the time. It was a great movie though, sad...
Going to see MOMUS tonight with Mi...
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