水曜日, 3月 16, 2005


kumbaya mylord
Originally uploaded by freebeets.

On my walk to school this morning the guy who collects cans around the hood on a bike you can barely see said "hello, how are you?" My mans got bags of cans on the front, back, sides. everywhere but below, and in a third world kind of impressive way. It started the itch
Hidemi and I are going to do a short tour next month during spring break (golden week), maybe to hakone or nikko to see some monkeys. I made my mind up after a few brew that Im going to ride from alaska to the tip o south america in the soonish future. Im going to set a date and do it. This is an open invitation to any and all friends who are into it. I know of a few who would be perfect. Yeah, a year on a bike. 12000 miles