水曜日, 4月 26, 2006


Originally uploaded by freebeets.
I interviewed for a job at a catholic school yesterday. Id have to compromise my beliefs and pretend pray, but my current job is getting weirder than fellini could imagine.
On my way up to the school, I stopped at a 7-11. Lots of kids from the school were in there acting all stupid. It felt like I was in the States.
Ive been away from North American kids for a while. Heres an update.
"You stupid fuck, you dont even know what S and M is"
"What the fuck, is the cashier retarded. So slow, jesus..."
One thing I can say about my school is that the kids are wonderful. They are like galapagos creatures


Anonymous 匿名 said...

I can't believe they'd make you "pray". My one friend teaches at a Catholic school, and they just have someone else take care of all the religious stuff. She doesn't have to teach religion or anything.

9:26 午前  


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