土曜日, 4月 22, 2006


my hair is getting long
Originally uploaded by freebeets.
Cant play any instruments, but I totally want to start a band. Maybe...

dr. whoo! crazy electro synth light show cover band of the who. people dressed in terrible alien costumes would back me up

The awkward silence- we wouldnt play any music, just stand there and look awkward until people either clapped like crazy or booed us off stage. Might just go over like super fantastique in Tokyo. works perfect with my no can play any instruments

ZZ bottom- do really gay versions of zz top songs. I checked out some zz top lyrics already, and they are like soooo gay already

the munic eunics- kraftworky beep beep beep bong with me on all instruments looped and in spandex with my wee wee tucked.


Blogger Sandras said...

Hey, Can you figure out which relative this is? Cute as always. Was good to see a pic of your Maw. Does she remember which Cous she is a Godmother to? She is as cute as ever. Check out my blog at justice4hilton@blogspot.com. Stop by on your way home next time. Will pick you up. Love, Me. P.S.Bill was home last month may may never pass this way again.

11:12 午前  


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