土曜日, 9月 03, 2005

whadda bout my nfl?

Originally uploaded by meesterbrian.
The disaster in louisiana and new orleans is so huge that bush even had to stop vacationing and fly over the flood. The fact that all the people stranded there are mostly amerikas poor and carless along with the military intervention starting up with "shoot to kill" orders from commanders is going to totally mess up the new orleans football season. Doesn't anyone care about football? I think we need to extend the patriot act in some way to insure that sporting events arent disrupted by "homegrown terrorists" and looters. Those people need to practice patience. They will be rescued soon, right? It takes a while to set up haliburton tent cities.
Seriously though, my heart goes out to the pets and people of NO and Louisiana. They've been totally dissed.