金曜日, 8月 19, 2005

Lesbian middle eastern food?

Lesbian middle eastern food?
Originally uploaded by freebeets.
Hidemi and I were waiting to cross a busy street yesterday and saw a van and a motorcycle accident. Head on. The motorcycle plowed into the front of the van and he flew about 5 meters- like a doll and landed on his head. He was moving, but obviously messed up. It was horrible and gave me tori hada ga tatsu everytime I thought of that sound or him flying...
Wandering around Yokohama we found a couple of interesting restaurants. The lusty Pelican and the Alabian Night are right across the street from eachother.


Anonymous 匿名 said...

I was laughing at the picture and then I read the horrible story. I still couldn't stop laughing at the picture. It belongs in a funt boot.

3:26 午前  


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